Monday, January 18, 2010

We had our first day of fourth year today. I'm exhausted. However, I have my fourth-year sticker on my ID badge, so I'm happy.

It was a very hot day and I was outside and standing in the hot sun for about 20 minutes first thing in the morning waiting for the shuttle to the hospital (from the train), so I spent the day feeling sweaty and greasy. Tomorrow I'm just going to walk.

It was so warm at 6pm when I walked to the train station that my pants were sticking to me after a 10 minute walk. I even acquired a lovely heat rash. Fingers crossed for the cool change tonight!

I'm feeling extremely coffee-deprived. While I was working for the past two months, I was drinking about 4 cups a day while at work. There is a mysterious coffee lounge at the hospital, but I am yet to access it, and it is not as handy as the on-site staff tearoom.

It is a long commute with long days and I'm home alone and having to cook and clean and look after things. It is going to be a fun year. :)

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