Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My old favourite

Just a quick note to say: Frank Netter was a genius.

If you are a medical or anatomy student and haven't heard of him, or if you have an interest in anatomy and want to see some excellent illustrations, his work can be found sneaking into any number of published works on anatomy, on the web, or (if you are lucky like me) in a book of its very own.

He was both a physician and a professional artist (another bio here) so the pictures are excellent from both points of view.

I find anatomy really interesting, and his pictures help me learn, understand and remember more than just about any other anatomy source. Combine his work with other sources (cadaver atlases, medical imaging anatomy books) and those big latin/greek words might just stick in your head!


Milk and Two Sugars said...

I have Netter's Clinical Anatomy, which is an A5 sized book that I carry around practically everywhere. On my last rotation my interns coveted it and insisted on reading it during morning meetings! Netter is phenomenal!

The Girl said...

Sweet! I love that little book, too. :)